V.I.P. HUNTING Combined harness

899 kr

  • A harness for everything – suitable for skijoring, sled, walking/running and biking with dog, can also use kit set for stick harness
  • The harness provides a balanced and good pulling point for the dog
  • Ergonomically adapted
  • Free shoulder and hip
  • The harness is balanced so that it does not slide up the neck when pulled
  • Extremely strong and light web 30mm wide
  • Colour: CAMO orange
  • Sizes: 0-9
Size  Neck   (cm)Length  (cm)
0# (white)3646
1# (yellow)3848
2# (red)4052
3# (blue)4256
4# (grey)4459
5# (black)4664
6# (orange)4866
7# (coffee)5071
8# (green)5373
9# (purple)5876



Str 0, Str 1, Str 2, Str 3, Str 5, Str 6, Str 8, Str 9, Sz 4, Sz 7

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